Solo Mode Earning Cap

Solo mode has Daily Energy Cap and Daily Token Cap. These limits restrict the amount of energy and tokens that users can have per day.

Daily Energy Cap

Users start the game with 2/2 energy. Max Energy caps at 20/20. Users can increase their Energy by getting more or higher quality PFPs (refer to Energy system)

Daily Token Cap

Users start the game with a 5/5 Daily WIST Cap. The Daily Token Cap is maxed at 300 WIST and 30 UMT. Users can increase their daily token cap by upgrading their PFPs.

Solo mode Earning Mechanics


$\tiny Player\,WIST\, Earning(E)=N\,\,(PSE+PSEC)\,\,randbetween(Parameter1,Parameter2)\,\,X\,\,Y$

$\tiny Energy\,Consumption(N)=Int(\frac{Player‘s\,TotalEnergy}{5\,mins})$

$\tiny Average\,Speed\,Adjustment\,Factor(X)=(K<Min\,Speed\,\,System\,Value 1)or(K>Max\,Speed\,\,System\,Value 2)=0$

$\tiny Average\,Speed\,Adjustment\,Factor(X)=[0,1]Linear\,change\,when[0.5\,Min\,Speed,Min\,Speed]or[1,0]Linear\,change\,when[Max\,Speed,2\,Max\,Speed]$

$\tiny Durability\,Adjustment\,Factor(Y)=Durability < 0.5=0.9\,or \,Durability<0.2=0.1$

  1. K:Users's Average Speed
  2. PSE:Users's PFP Efficiency